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Blackpoemologue as the 2nd edition, with a new title and, continues with poems written between 1980 – 1999, that tells a tall-tale of suffering, and growth from the point of view of eleven souls on a journey from 1841 to 1999.

sku: B05005NRP

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BlAcKpOeMoLoGuE, a drama-poem centered on the AIDS crisis with satellite issues of racism, sexism, socioeconomic inequality, celebrity, oppression, war, politics, gender and relationships, and ancestry, this set within a Manhattan cityscape with references to then pop culture rife throughout. With nods to certain stage productions (e.g., Angels in America and Rent), revolutionaries (e.g., Malcolm X), a good many musicians (e.g., Donna Summer and John Coltrane), a number of authors (e.g., James Baldwin), political families, and other things and individuals, your generically named cast act out the interplay among these many facets of life (in the 1980s especially) with resonant language, a spartan setting, and surprising stage directions to both educate and entertain; both remember and predict; and both celebrate and mourn. Broad in scope and yet intimate in nature, your stage plays shows innovation for its time and an understanding of its audience. WE should keep telling your stories!

~ David V. Brook

Weight 0.8125 lbs

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