Gail Wynn Huland El resides in New Jersey. She writes one-act and full-length plays, as well as poetry and essays. She is the Founder and President of the Channie Theater Company, Inc. She is a Founding Member of the Uptown Playwrights’ Workshop in Harlem and held the position of Director of the Uptown Playwright’s for 14 years. Ms. Huland El is also the President of the Theatrical Ministry at her church.
She has written numerous plays which have been read and/or produced by Rejoti Productions, Voices from the Edge Festival of the New Perspectives Theater in New York, Frank Silvera Writers’ Workshop, New York, National Black Theatre Festival, Winston-Salem, NC, Sista Style Productions, in Nashville, TN, Two Ladies Productions Dinner Theatre Readings, Teaneck, NJ, Spellbound Repertory Theatre, Medley of Words and Short-Play Festivals of Uptown Playwrights’ Workshop and numerous other venues. Some of her plays include “BLESSED ASSURANCE,” “KISS OF GUILT,” “THAT SEAT IS MINE,” “A HELPIN’ HAND,” “GREEN HONEY LOVE,” “SWEET PUDDIN’ PIE,” “LIKE FAMILY,” “DO NO EVIL,” “GRAN’ETTA’S HOUSE,” “NEED FOR LOVE,” “WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THAT CHURCH,” “WHERE ARE WE?” and “WHAT HAPPENED IN APARTMENT 504?” She has also directed some of her own plays and those written by other playwrights for productions. Ms. Huland El has self-produced a few of her plays, also.
I am very happy to be part of the NUNURADIO team.